iPhone Alarms Not Working? Fix Coming Says Apple

Iphone alarm

Have you been waking up late over the past week or so? It appears for some, iPhone alarms are not working as intended, with the alarm going off but no audio.

The Wall Street Journal’s Joanna Stern said yesterday, “Today Show called me last night and said iPhone alarms aren’t working! I hadn’t heard that but Apple confirmed this AM that it is aware of an issue causing some alarms not play a sound and that it’s working on a fix.”

“My iPhone alarm woke me up right on time at 6:50AM! Anyone out there having this issue?”, asked Stern on X. That’s when a flurry of replies came in from users acknowledging they had slept in due to their iPhone alarms not working properly.

“Wait is that how I overslept on a meeting last week? I never do that, and my wife and baby slept right through it too. I just assumed I somehow silenced it while still asleep,” said Josh Constine in a reply.

“Had it happen today lol. I check my phone and I see the alarm UI and no audio. Very frustrating,” said Ian Zelda.

Alex Volkov said, “Happened today, woke up at 7:30 (was suppose to wake up at 6!) and was looking at my phone “playing” the alarm but the sound was muted.”

“Apparently this is related to attention aware features and the phone “thinks” you looked at it and mutes the volume!”, added Volkov, noting his iPhone was in Nightstand Mode, which is when the iPhone is in landscape and shows widgets and can also act as an alarm clock at night.

Someone else replied to Alex to say, “This was my suspicion as well. Only happens to me when the phone is in nightstand mode and I’m lying facing it. Few weeks ago I turned the phone facedown and it’s worked everytime.”

We haven’t had any issues with our iPhone alarms not going off. But then again we don’t use Nightstand Mode, which is the alleged culprit.

Have your iPhone alarms been working as intended or have they failed you?

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